By Lorraine Exley and Paul Newman



18 S                                     18th degree SOUTH      



ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 29th January - 2nd February &10th- 13th November

Equivalent to 17º 17' Scorpio - 20º 56' Scorpio

& 9º 04' Aquarius -12º 43' Aquarius                                   




A volcano is spewing red-hot larva and fire.

The opening becomes the bringer of Life, giving birth as it pushes and pushes to bring out a being.

This being is a hideous fool carrying a club.  He is thrust out and then from the top of his head, splitting him in two, there emerges another man, more refined.

From his crown there is then born a woman, queen-like.

This process goes on and on, bringing forth plants and animals - all life.

Until finally from a rock there emerges a spark, inextinguishable and glowing.

Life starts to bloom around the volcano.

It is full of vitality.



KEYWORDS:  Illumination   Rebirth   Initiation 



You are experiencing a transformational shift. All around you seems to reveal the darkness of mankind. This is the moment before birth, the deepest pain before illumination. Do not resist. Remember that you have chosen this path of rebirth. All is not today as it soon shall be. This is initiation by fire. The spark, which ignites the fire of your essence. Be changed forever by the fires of transformation, and enter the spiral of evolution.

As you move into this new vibration you may feel out of balance with all around you. Breathe deeply centering on the heart. As you let go and strip away all that is no longer needed for this stage of your journey you will find each step leaves you with a clearer more powerful ‘self’. As you are stripped of all that defines you, all that defines the world is also stripped away. As the facade crumbles true illumination bursts through.

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17 S                                17th degree SOUTH  


ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 2nd - 5th February  & 6th - 10th November

Equivalent to 13º51' Scorpio - 17º16' Scorpio

& 12º44' Aquarius - 16º09' Aquarius




There is an obstacle course full of terrible dangers. We must pass through it as part of our journey. 

To the outer eye it is impossible and holds many traps.

With great faith we cross it with no fear and are untouched by its dangers.

It is in a forest and night is approaching.


KEYWORDS:     Faith   Acceptance    Revelation    Spiritual evolution



Mankind is now facing a part of his Journey beset with dangers. Yet with wisdom he will make the right choice and choose the correct path. But he must do this without fear, no matter what dangers are faced, for this is the pathway that will bring him to his destiny.

You are now also facing your own Journey. There are many obstacles which present themselves such as regret, fear, holding on to the past, feelings of unworthiness. As you approach these obstacles allow them to be released and step beyond your self imposed boundaries.

Perhaps you are being called upon to make a choice about which direction to take. By your willingness to walk through the dark forest you encounter insights which can only revealed in the shadows. There you will find hidden depths.

Do you feel lost? Never give up; there are forces around to guide you. Listen to and sense them. Know that however things appear, you are being guided.

Are you afraid of the dark? Remember, it is there that we find our most cherished dreams.

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16 S                                16th degree SOUTH


ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 5th - 8th February & 3rd - 6th November

Equivalent to 10º 34' Scorpio - 13º 50' Scorpio

& 16º 10' Aquarius - 19º 26' Aquarius




An abundant bush which contains many different berries.

They are ripe and contain the juices of many differing aspects of life.

They must be picked and taken, even though there is a risk attached as we do not know what aspect each contains.  If they are not picked now then they will be wasted.



KEYWORDS:    Opportunity     Nourishment     Openness    Abundance



Great joy you have found the Fruit of Life There are many opportunities before you. Be open to them all. Take the offered fruit. Some parts are sweet some parts bitter, but it is all nourishment for your soul’s journey.

You are being offered a great opportunity, yet fear of the unknown may be stopping you. Are you afraid of making the wrong step? Trust and you will receive Divine Protection. Take that risk. You are not insignificant. Do not be afraid. What you previously perceived as impossible can now come to fruition and you will be amazed at how easy it now is to fulfill your purpose. Remember each fruit carries a seed of potential. Spread those seeds for others to harvest.

What do you truly desire? Make that wish now and

bring true abundance into your life. When you bring true abundance into your life you also bring abundance to the planet.

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15 S                             15th degree SOUTH


ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS:  8th - 11th February & 31st October - 3rd November

Equivalent to 7º26' Scorpio - 10º33' Scorpio

& 19º27' Aquarius - 22º34'Aquarius




A Golden Cup floats through the sky. It is being filled with liquid which is being spewed from the mouth of a cloud-shaped cherub above in the sky.

The chalice never overflows but contains the drink of all knowledge.

It is decorated with 2 dark red stones like drops of blood.



KEYWORDS:  Receiving   Completing the Circuit.  Flow   The Source



This is the Chalice of the Infinite; all that Has Been, Is, and Will Be. The Chalice holds the blood of Life, the blood of the ancient wise ones which has been passed on and still runs through your veins. They are calling to you now. In this, you carry their genetic imprint.

This is the cup which is filled with pure love, freely given and universally offered. From it flows Love given without ego.

Take the opportunity to drink in the Universal Life Energy. Receive the gift from the source. Be part of the continuous cycle of giving and receiving, it cannot be depleted. 

Some become so used to offering love, afraid to ask for any in return and in denying themselves interrupt this flow. Now is the time to connect and receive. Fill your own cup to overflowing so that it can complete the cycle. In completing the circuit within yourself you complete the circuit within the Universe.

If you feel separated from the Source allow yourself space to stand in its flow, until you become as One. Remember, unconditional love is not something to be given or taken, it is an endless cycle. Then you will receive Divine nurturance.

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14 S                            14th degree SOUTH

ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 12th - 14th February &28th - 31st October Equivalent to 4º25' Scorpio - 7º25' Scorpio & 22º35' Aquarius - 25º35' Aquarius                                   



The Moon is dripping blood to feed the Earth, which is calling out for nourishment.

All is destroyed and burnt except for a green shoot starting to push itself through the debris.

A moaning sound comes from deep within the Earth. It is creaking and groaning and all the stars weep. 

The noise becomes louder and louder, a deafening pitch.

It is unbearable and we must wait many moons for it to fade.


KEYWORDS:  Primal Source   Nourishment   Vibration



It is the dark night of the soul for Mankind, yet it is also the time for the greatest possible growth, to receive true nourishment. The deafening sound echoes the vibration of the start of Life.  This is the birthplace of Light, Sound, Form and Space. All has been cleared in preparation for new growth of life and spirit. A time for vitality is forthcoming. When you hear the cry do not back away. Our response is to nourish and offer healing. To hold the energy of love and transmit it so that the wound becomes healed. With this we can renew the earth. It is crying out to you. You are being directly connected to the primal source.

There are many who work to cause pain to Mother Earth. Some consciously, others unconsciously. Create your own healing space and send out the Light. Remember that you are not alone in your grief and sorrow about what is happening to our beautiful planet. There are many besides you. Go out, add nourishment to the earth, scatter seeds and plant bulbs on barren sites. Create compost. Be part of the great cycle of life. Remember that decay also brings nourishment.

Life now is calling on you to patient.  Do not allow yourself to feel helpless. It is amazing what steps can be taken if you persevere until the time is ripe. You are asked to go beneath the surface, to plumb your primal depths to find the nourishment for which you yearn. To look at the yearning within yourself. Where is your own pain coming from? In allowing your own healing you give healing to the earth.

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13 S                                       13th degree SOUTH


ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 15th - 17th February &24th - 28th October

Equivalent to 1º30' Scorpio - 4º24' Scorpio & 25º36' Aquarius - 28º30' Aquarius




Through a square doorway I see a man dressed in a blue cloak.

He is holding his hand palm outwards, on which is revealed many symbols.

As I move through the door and get closer I see the symbols start to move. They are changing shape across his palm, the black lines wriggling like insects, alive. His face and body are still, but he is calling me with his eyes.

Around his body his cloak starts to move, wrapping itself around him or spreading out. 

It is powder blue and the sky is the same colour. It is as if a piece of the sky is enfolding him.

All the time his eyes are calling and drawing me nearer to learn the secrets of the signs.

Yet I know that this is a place to go only when you know that you are prepared to give up everything in this realm, and release hold.


KEYWORDS:  Remembrance   Belonging  Wisdom  Listening                                                  




Encoded around you is a sacred language, a language sensed through vibration and energy. Listen, see and feel its tones and you will be given the gift of Remembrance. A remembrance of who you truly are and where you truly belong. You do not have to understand this language, just become it. It is the Language of Light which is being offered to you. Receive it now and you will understand its tones.

Listen to chants, overtones and harmonics, and seek access to the Divine, until your soul itself vibrates with the sound of the Universe. Then you will remember.

Who is the Man in the Blue cloak? It is the blue of the Cathars? 

You are being given a great secret. Do you feel the pull in your heart. Do you feel the yearning to be enveloped in the cloak? Is it time to answer the call? Are you prepared to give up everything and receive a greater gift in return? You will receive the wisdom of lifetimes.

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12 S                                       12th degree SOUTH


ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 17th - 20th February & 22nd - 24th October

Equivalent to 28º39' Libra - 1º29' Scorpio & 28º31' Aquarius - 1º21' Pisces




A raven is flying across the sun.

He shows up like a black silhouette against the brightness of the sun.

He flies so close to the sun that his wings become tinged with gold at the tips.

He knows that he now belongs with the Gods.



KEY WORDS:  Transformation   Joy    Beauty   Life




Take flight and allow yourself to touch the heart of life. This is not a time to be afraid. It is time to dare, to dazzle others and show your brightness. Dance with the Gods and feel the heat of Life filling your every part. Transform every part of yourself. Seek beauty and breathe it into your soul. From this moment you will contain an inner secret. A golden auric light surrounds you. Let the filaments from this light reach to the heavens. Bring your entire being into attunement with the sacred fire. Through unconditional love you lift the consciousness of humanity.  Now you may fly to new heights of ecstasy.

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11 S                            11th degree SOUTH    


ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS:  20th - 23rd February & 19th - 22nd October


Equivalent to 25º52' Libra - 28º38' Libra & 1º22' Pisces - 4º08' Pisces




A cave hidden in a cliff. It is guarded by a wolf. No one will find it.

It is full of treasures hidden many centuries ago.

These are not just valuable as treasure but each holds a special meaning.

They were placed there by a group who intended to return for them, but were destroyed before it was possible. 

Now the secrets lay hidden for eternity.

It is best this way for mankind is not ready to receive this knowledge, and an uncontrollable force would be released.


KEYWORDS:  Truth   Protection   Mission   Divine Plan




You who receive this have been encoded with a great secret, passed on for many generations through your bloodline. It was found that the best way of encoding the secret was in our DNA so that it is carried by many but known by none. You are the wolf who must guard this secret.  Your secret weapon is Truth.

Take care; there are those who seek personal power at the expense of truth. You have heard the call because never has it been more necessary to protect our Earth. It is your mission. Do not be afraid to speak your truth. You will find that you are not alone. You are part of a divine plan and around you in many realities are those who will give you strength.

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10S                                       10th degree SOUTH         


ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 23rd - 26th February & 16th - 19th October

 Equivalent to 23°09´ Libra - 25°51´ Libra & 4°09' Pisces - 6°51´ Pisces                                        




I have a giant brown bear on one side (right) and a stag on my left.

They guide me to an archway made of antlers reaching upwards. As I go through I see a pathway ahead, white with footprints marking the way. I know I must follow and am led by a white stag.

After a long walk, though with no sense of tiring, I reach a place of all kinds of Guardians: Animals, Rocks, Plants.

They are watching me. Here is where all our Guardians wait. I am deeply moved to see them and communicate on a telepathic level. Now ahead of me I see a vast ocean with the Guardians from that world moving through. I step into the deep water.

I am upright, feet first, arms stretched towards the heavens as my body descends into the deep.

Down, down I go with no sense of drowning. No sense of being wet.

As I reach the bottom my body begins to move in an anticlockwise spiral, shooting forwards again.

There is no sense of being unable to breathe.

The water is caressing me and moving my body, stroking it and pushing it forward.

I am moving forwards surrounded by other creatures of the water world, until I come to an underwater cave.

Here I know I am at home. My bear and my stag are waiting once more.

It is like the heartbeat of the Universe and my heart is beating with it, as one.

I am crying, I am so moved. I belong here, yet I feel so unworthy.

It is the heart of the Universe.

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10S                                       10th degree SOUTH         




KEYWORDS:  Oneness   Destiny   Purpose   Divine Breath




You have reached the center of all life, the heartbeat of the planet. Let your heart beat as one in rhythm with the Divine. Resonate to its vibration. You are part of the Divine consciousness, uniting Heaven and Earth.  Here the Guardians wait. The Keepers of our Destiny. It is time to meet them and honour their wisdom. Now is the time to receive their message. Allow yourself to bathe in their light.

Nothing is expected of you, only that you draw in their essence. From that moment your life will be enhanced and you will no longer feel alone.

By embracing the essence of who you truly are you will draw towards yourself your true family who you will recognize through a spiritual affinity. You are breathing the same breath, beating with the same heart Know that you have met before. You are brought together to complete your work. Your purpose together was decided long ago.         

Immerse yourself in this moment. This is a time for true serenity. You are Home.


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9S                                9th degree SOUTH               


ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 14th - 16th October & 26th - 28th February

Equivalent to 20°28´ Libra - 23°08´ Libra & 6°52´ Pisces - 9°32´ Pisces                                        




Now is a release, a joy, our feet are like feathers as we float, as we fly, allowing ourselves to touch and merge. It is a meeting of ecstasy, a oneness at the end of a journey.

The work has been completed, a balance has been found.

We can fly; we can swirl. That is joy, as we swirl upwards and spiral down.

Now we can move at will. Arms and bodies part of each other. Breath joined. Let us go.

We are Nothing.

We are Everything.



KEY WORDS:  Global Consciousness  Balance  Oneness  Release  Awakening




This is the doorway to great change, the beginning of Planetary Ascension. We are all members of One Global Family and you are being asked to hold this vision to effect change in the planetary consciousness. Remember that your thoughts connect to a greater web. Through these thoughts you create light on earth as you connect with the collective consciousness. You will not be alone in directing this vision. Join with others. Create a grid of light. This is a time of Universal change. Great joy is to be found as you surrender to freedom. Allow yourself to fly.

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