By Lorraine Exley and Paul Newman



About Us


Lorraine Exley is a Healer using Energy Medicine to bring healing and balance back to the body. She is actively involved in the vibrational balance and protection of our planet, and believes that our own life-force and that of MotherEarth are interconnected.

Lorraine Exley

Of Romany descent, she developed her visionary skills living with and experiencing Shamanic practices from the people of various indigenous cultures.

Paul F. Newman is an English astrologer, professional for twenty years, who teaches and lectures on most levels and aspects of the subject. Paul F NewmanHis articles and cartoons have been published in The Mountain Astrologer, The Astrological Journal, The International Astrologer, Considerations, American Astrology and many more of the world's astrological magazines. He has also edited, designed and illustrated several books and magazine covers on astrological themes and is the author of Declination in Astrology: The Steps of the Sun (2005), the cartoon collection You're not a Person - Just a Birthchart (1999), and the forthcoming Star Club: Astrology and The Beatles.




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The Beginning by Lorraine

Beyond the Portals of the Sun

Path of the Soul Calendar

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Lorraine Exley

Paul Newman



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Copyright © Lorraine Exley & Paul F Newman 2001-2006 All rights reserved.
No content (text & images) of any part of this website to be used without prior written permission of the authors. Readers are welcome however to quote or use brief extracts of the material provided credit is given to The Shamanic Journey of the Sun by Lorraine Exley & Paul F Newman