By Lorraine Exley and Paul Newman



The journey of the Sun begins at the Equinoxes at the first degrees North and South of the Celestial Equator. In both cases the energy depicted is of an animal nature.

The Essence of the summer journey beginning in March at the Spring Equinox is likened to that of an Eagle “shooting like an arrow across the sky”. Like the new dawn that has just begun “the sky behind him glows pink”. The whole energy depicted here is one of upward force and new beginnings.

The Eagle is a symbol of great power and majesty. As king of the birds it can symbolise the Sun itself. In Native American cosmology the Eagle is the bird that flies closest to the sun and can represent the illuminating light of Great Spirit.

The dark half of the year has now passed but still hangs near like the darkness of the womb from which the new Sun has emerged, (“a dark crescent moon follows him trying to draw him back”), “he must reach the safety of the highest snow capped mountain”. This is his ultimate goal – or the Sun’s ultimate goal – to reach the Summer Solstice mountain peak.

The degree image offers positive reassurance that this will take place for the Eagle does reach the mountain peak at which point it rests. This degree contains not only the seeds of the Summer Solstice but also the frame of mind necessary at the start and end of this 6 month journey. The Eagle must not only fly but be mindful that “ it is a time to survey his journey and contemplate his position” – and that implies both looking forward to where he is heading and looking back on where he has been. It sums up the thrust and dedication of the Sun’s summer journey.

 As earth is awakening we are asked to join in renewing life energy

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1º N                                  1st degree NORTH

ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 20th - 23rd March & 21st - 23rd September             Equivalent to  0°01´ Aries -  2 °30´ Aries &  27°30´ Virgo - 29°59´ Virgo


An eagle shoots like an arrow across the sky.
The sky behind him glows pink.
A dark crescent moon follows him trying to draw him back.
He must reach the safety of the highest snow capped mountain, which he reaches.
Now he can rest. It is time to survey his journey and contemplate his position.

 KEYWORDS: New beginnings  Illumination   Vision  Goals   Contemplation



Now you can soar like the eagle whose vision sees far beyond the limits of humanity. This is a time of new beginnings, a new dawn, a time to energise your spirit and allow it to expand as it lifts the collective consciousness. Take this opportunity and soar bravely out towards your highest goal. Then you will reach new heights as you move towards the illumination of the Sun.           

What is stopping you, what is pulling you back? Now is the time to release all that is tying you to the past, Awaken, know your strength, believe in your vision Deep within you is the knowledge of your goal, impossible though it may seem. Choose the highest peak, do not hesitate for now is the time to achieve. Only then you can look back. Then, you will become aware of your achievements and let them become the foundation of all that will be.     

When each of us holds that positive vision, then the miracle can happen.

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2º N                               2nd degree NORTH

ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 23rd -26th  March & 18th - 20th September   Equivalent to   2°31´ Aries -  5°01´Aries & 24°59´ Virgo- 27°29´ Virgo


A turtle is climbing slowly out of the water. Five drops fall from his shell.
Each drop is golden and heavy. Where it falls to the ground a tree sprouts, each beautiful and different.
These are special trees of the five senses that he is giving to Mankind.
As we pluck from each one we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell in turn.
The scent is overpowering, very narcotic, and we drift into a deep sleep.
It is as if our souls are being drawn into the earth. We are heavy.
Above us spin webs of vibrant colours moving so that they weave our dreams.
In our dream we are aware of some other gift being offered.
We seek to grasp it but have lost our memory of what it is.
It seems lost, yet it is within our reach if we choose to look into the centre of our being.

KEYWORDS: Offerings   Centre    Purpose   Sensuality   Remembering   Seeking     


We are now at the centre of our being, the centre of the self from which we may generate a web of light and truth. Through this web we may also draw light into our own bodies, calling this energy in through our senses. Allow your senses to bask in the universe around you. Each is a wonderful gift. Yet how often do we really use these precious gifts? How many times do we walk through life unaware of what they can reveal? Go out and experience life from all your senses, as if for the first time. Purposefully allow yourself to experience the wonder of the new world that you encounter. Awaken from your dream and remember. Look into the core of your being and there you will find what you have been searching for. See how it awaits you.  Then you will become aware of the long forgotten gift waiting to be rediscovered.

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3º N                              3rd degree NORTH 

ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 26th - 28th March & 15th - 18th September              Equivalent to 5°02´ Aries - 7°32´ Aries & 22°28´ Virgo - 24°58´ Virgo


At last the golden key has appeared. But where is the door it fits.
People are looking up into the sky, gasping in awe as the key reveals itself.
It shines and illuminates all around it. But it is a key without an apparent door.
It is gold with a knotted pattern around the top holding rubies and other precious stones.
All can see the key yet none can touch it.
There is no sense of finding the door it fits, a total unawareness of any purpose except its beauty.
When it appears a gentle humming follows, inaudible to most ears.
Way, way below the earth, through darkness and decay, lay the ruins of an ancient civilisation still solid and waiting for the return, for the remembrance. In a hidden corner stands a door, old and locked, awaiting a key.

KEYWORDS: Looking beyond   Offering   Awareness   Return   Release



How long have we been waiting for the key to the ancient mystery? So long that we have forgotten what we have been waiting to see revealed. There is a vast knowledge already out there just waiting to be discovered Look within yourself and you will find that it has always been there.

You are being given the opportunity to find the key that reveals your soul purpose. A purpose which has been buried for many lifetimes. Many are offered the key which unlocks great secrets, yet are lost and unable recognise that which is beyond Beauty: - Truth. The truth is so simple. What can you see? Look beyond the appearance and you will find true purpose lies beneath the surface.

 Here is the key which fits your inner soul. Now it can be released and the answer which you have yearned for can be found. Open the door to another world. It has been waiting.


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4º N                                4th degree NORTH

ANNUAL SOLAR DAYS: 28th - 31st March & 13th - 15th September             Equivalent to   7° 33´ Aries - 10°05´ Aries &  19°55´ Virgo - 22°27´ Virgo


A glowing crest full of symbols.
A shield held high.
Protection in entering other realms.
Light in spiritual darkness.
Nothing can harm whilst possessing this.
Moving through into new territory.
With this shield it is possible to penetrate the frozen depths.
To plunge through the impenetrable ice and retrieve the fading heart of the earth. Blowing life back into it.
The winds come to join us and their breath restores a pulse to the slow beat
It is time for the sun to warm the earth and new life to open once again.

KEYWORDS:  Life force   Penetration  Revival  Rhythm  Protection   Light   Being part of the natural flow



Here is revealed the purpose of our Journey of the Sun, to retrieve the fading heart of the earth. The earth then responds to your energy and thus begins a beautiful flow.

It is time to awaken the new frequencies, within yourself and within Gaia.

Create your mental shield by constructing it with images from your spiritual journey. This is not just a personal guard but also reflects your energy outward to where healing is needed. Then you can step into the new realms.

 You are being called at this moment to breathe life back into the earth. To become one with its heartbeat.  As you breathe life into the earth, you in return will receive the life force of the Mother herself. Go and lie upon the earth. Feel her heartbeat, until you resonate together. Together we can create the light which pierces the darkness.

You may want to draw or create your actual shield and its images. It is a good time to reflect upon your own journey.

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